Glacer Magazine
Brief info

Hi guys!!!! My name is Matthew Johns, aka EasilyLedBalloon, I am 32 years old and I live in Leeds, UK. I have been making music on my computer in my bedroom for a fir few years now, often giving it a break in an attempt to recharge the creative energies. I love to play guitar, piano and also MC/rap and am looking forward to showcasing some of my other projects in the very near future. Until recently, I did not have the confidence to release any of my music into the public domain but, as time keeps ticking, I felt as though it was now or never and that and that any exposure would be better than none.

Interview with Matthew Johns


Have you always been interested in music? What is your story and how did you start making music?
I’ve always loved music and have memories of playing the tennis racket guitar a small child. My family home, growing up, was always full of music, with me being the youngest of seven children, I like to think there was a healthy selection of different music, new and old. I played a bit of guitar and piano in my earlier years but was really inspired again during my high school years, being introduced to garage music and specifically the lyrical element; I loved to MC/rap. I, still to this day, have multiple bags in my wardrobe filled with lyrics accumulated over the years. I got into making music on my computer around ten or so years ago. I really loved, and still do, the satisfaction one can find in listening back to a recording of a project and knowing that it will always be there; your creation.

What are you working on now? Any future releases we can look forward to?
I am currently putting most of my efforts into getting myself noticed, which mostly consists of me sharing my Soundcloud links to Twitter and Facebook. I currently have 83 tracks on Soundcloud and have every intention on making that number rise as quickly as possible; no holding back mentality.

What Is Your Ultimate Goal In The Music Industry?
I would really like it if, in years from now, I could honestly say that I gave it my all, wherever that takes me.
What Has Been The Biggest Challenge In Your Career Thus Far? I have tried to get creative projects off the ground with people in the past and there have been countless times where, I feel, progress was made with a song/songs but then the momentum fell away, leaving me with the song/music often in their possession and me back at square one or worse.

How do you go about writing a song? Do you have a melody in your head and then write the other music for it or what’s Your typical songwriting process?
When producing, I usually like to get a melody going first and then possibly the base or drums. When playing guitar, however, sometimes a vocal idea will come to me and I quickly grab the guitar and try to find the most complimentary notes. I often like to record a vocal idea by itself before recording with the guitar as well as sometimes the guitar can make me forget what the original vocal melody was.

How do you feel the Internet has impacted the music business?
I think there are a lot of positives in the way that the internet has impacted the music industry, with so many easily accessible music platforms for previously unknown artists to get heard these days, listeners are increasingly spoilt for choice, with so many more of us releasing music somewhere on the internet.

List some famous musicians currently on your playlist?
I do love Radiohead, for example, but rarely find myself listening to much music as I am so often thinking of my own.

What Did You Do Before You Started Making Music?
Over the years, I have worked in a number of different customer service roles, including bar and call centre work. I am still currently working on the phone for Leeds City Council, in my room these days, but would love to be able to have more time and energy after a difficult day at work to put back into my music.

Would you have any advice for young people wanting to follow in your footsteps?
Just keep going, and try to record as much as possible as some of the best stuff happens when experimenting while recording. One day you will realise there is some good stuff there, and then you can pick your favourite and/or strongest.

If you could change anything about the music industry, what would it be?
I’m not too sure to be honest, however, I have a feeling that I might be better equipped to answer that in the very near future.

How do you feel about originality?
It’s everything…I’m really not a fan of people stealing ideas; what is the point in you? I have heard at least one person, a friend, singing my lyrics as though they were theirs…That hurt!!!!

Is there anything else we should know about you? or Something that you would like to add?
I love music and I love you…Thanks so much for your time and the opportunity!!!!

Links to Where Your Music Can be Purchased:


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