Brief info

Linda j Salinas is a musician from North Carolina in the United States. She's just getting started with the music but her main profession is an Animal Communicator and Horse Whisperer. As a certified trainer in the Carolyn Resnick Method of Horsemanship and the Gurney Institute of Animal Communication, she has walked between the human kingdom and the animal kingdom.
After Covid and losing her parents, she struggled to revive her business which required traveling and giving equestrian clinics. She took a break from pushing the river and started back taking piano lessons with the intention of learning the circle of 5ths. One thing just simply led to another and the next thing she achieved was writing 4 songs in only six months.
Linda is a mother of 4, grandmother to 5 and for 47yrs she has been a wife to the same man she met at 14. She is now a strong 66 year old woman who has multiple activities on her daily schedule such as riding horses, walking and hiking. She also loves jumping on trampolines, riding bikes and her favorite moment is when she sings in the choir.
Linda just loves life and she lives on a farm located in North Carolina, just outside of Charlotte N. C. where she shares her space with 5 horses, 1 dog & cat, plus an abundance of non domesticated critters.

Interview With Linda j Salinas

Have you always been interested in music? What is your story and how did you start making music?

Heavens no! I just wrote my first song at 65 years of age.

What are you working on now? Any future releases we can look forward to?

I just completed my 4th song

What Is Your Ultimate Goal In The Music Industry?

No attachments!

What Has Been The Biggest Challenge In Your Career Thus Far?

No challenges prolly cause I’m at the start of my music career!

How do you go about writing a song? Do you have a melody in your head and then write the other music for it or what’s Your typical songwriting process?

I write the lyrics first and then the music will come. To be perfectly honest, I don’t have a clue as to how I have written the 4 songs.

How do you feel the Internet has impacted the music business?

I’ll let you know!

List some famous musicians currently on your playlist?

I don’t have any.

What Did You Do Before You Started Making Music?

Animal Communicator – Horse Whisperer

Would you have any advice for young people wanting to follow in your footsteps?

Of course! Follow your dreams

If you could change anything about the music industry, what would it be?

I’ll let you know!

How do you feel about originality?

Not sure what to say here….what what tiny bit of experience I have had in my 4 songs….I have been as original to myself since songwriting has popped its way into my life at 65!

Is there anything else we should know about you? or Something that you would like to add?

Let’s roll the dice!